
Logo_2-Color, Negative

BEEBOY Honey keeps beehives in apiaries around town, focusing on responsible and sustainable beekeeping within the City of Pittsburgh limits including Shadyside Nursery. I avoid chemical treatments and the contaminants of agricultural areas. With the recent honeybee troubles, I choose to practice healthy apiculture.



BEEBOY Honey is raw (pure, unheated, & unprocessed) and separated by location, highlighting the subtle differences of each neighborhood’s flora and subsequent flavors. Pollen, wax, propolis, enzymes, and other good bits make it into the honey, so it tastes better and retains extra health benefits. You will taste the difference.

I sell honey as close to the source as possible; direct sales or retail are in the direct vicinity of where the honey is produced.

Raw honey can ease pollen allergies, so honey from your part of town may help.

I do not sell beeswax.

Hive Hosting Service

Property owners or groups who’d like to have honeybees around for pollination or hive products without tending the bees themselves can arrange for BEEBOY to keep hives in your spot. Appropriate locations for bees are scouted (sunny, open, private are good, accepting neighbors are a MUST) and we can find ways to keep bees out of everybody’s hair with fences or plant covers. You don’t need a lot of space to keep a few hives, but there are important considerations and not all yards work.

Hosts then have preference for the honey produced in those hives.

(use hive pic already on the website: I can resend if necessary)

Bee Talking

I do periodic demonstrations, workshops, and presentations geared toward non-beekeepers on a variety of honeybee-related topics. Check back for Bee Talk dates, often in collaboration with Shadyside Worms.


Country Barn Farm and Burgh Bees do a great job of training new beekeepers, and I suggest those interested in keeping their own bees head there.

(hyperlink these please as “Country Barn Farm Beekeeping Classes” and “Burgh Bees Beekeeping Classes”

Swarm Removal

If you see a swarm or know anybody who does (usually May-August), please get in touch with me ASAP at with a phone number because swarms stay put for only a day or two before moving on to a permanent home.

Swarming is the natural reproductive behavior for honeybees and though it looks like a crazy fiasco, swarming is a safe and non-threatening phenomenon.

Bees tended by appropriate humans can survive much better and healthier than in the wild, so I’m happy to have new colonies join my team.

NEVER SPRAY OR KILL honeybees! I will get another beekeeper to any removal if I’m not available or your swarm is outside my range.

(old time swarm pic attached)

old lady swarm


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